The iPaper's Agony Uncle

Since the start of 2024, Kenny has been showing up as an Agony Uncle with the iPaper.

He's responded to write-ins about feeling empty and disconnected, marriage difficulties, body dysmorphia, sexual performance and all the other secrets that men can fear speaking out.

I prefer my son to my daughter – and I feel wretched about it

"Boarding schools are not always the best options for a child or a family"

12 August 2024

I want to give my son £10k – but not my daughter, she’ll fritter it away

"Some very important skills that parents often don’t pass on to their children are the basic tools of budgeting and saving"

5 August 2024

I watched my partner give birth – and now I don’t want to have sex with her

"What do you do after the trauma of childbirth if it changes your relationship?"

29 July 2024

I want to leave my children different amounts in my will – my daughter needs it more

"Is it fair to leave your children different amounts depending on their stage in life?"

22 July 2024

I grew up more wealthy than my kids will – and I feel terrible for it

"The most important question for you to answer is where does your guilt stem from"

15 July 2024

My wife prioritises her friends and work over me – I’ve become an afterthought

"Focus on being there for yourself and this will help you become available to love"

8 July 2024

Why can’t I stop cheating on my beautiful wife?

"Seeking out help from a professional may be the way forward..."

1 July 2024

I want to send our son away to school but my wife refuses – we can’t compromise

"Boarding schools are not always the best options for a child or a family"

24 June 2024

I resent my wife now we have a child – I wish we could go back 10 years

"The early years of parenting can be a particularly tense time couples."

17 June 2024

I’m a saver and my wife’s a spender – she needs to grow up

"Money is never really about money. It is about “stuff” that lies much deeper."

10 June 2024

My wife is stricter than me and we don’t agree on how to parent our kids

"Children who aren’t brought up with boundaries can feel less safe and display anger."

3 June 2024

My wife doesn’t want to work – even though our kids are at school

"Surveys have shown that the work of a stay-at-home parent would be worth more than £30,000 as a salary."

27 May 2024

I want a second child but my wife doesn’t and it’s breaking us

"Before children, we talked about having a big family, an idea we both loved."

20 May 2024

I’m not sure if my partner is ‘the one’

"Life involves bliss, grief and every emotion in between"

13 May 2024

My wife prioritises our kids over everything – I’m thinking of leaving her

"If you give energy to the way you want things to be, and share this with your wife, then you’ve got every chance of a successful relationship."

6 May 2024

I’m a 70-year-old widower – I want to meet someone new but don’t know how

"I’m looking for love – or maybe I’m looking for female companionship and intimacy"

22 Apr 2024

My partner and children are so messy that I no longer feel relaxed at home

"Many parents have mixed feelings as their parenting role evolves"

22 Apr 2024

My wife is pregnant – and being horrible to me

"I fear it’s the end of our loving, caring, communicative relationship"

15 Apr 2024

My partner and children are so messy that I no longer feel relaxed at home

"Experience your home from the eyes and needs of your children"

8 Apr 2024

I want to move abroad but feel I can’t leave my 35-year-old brother

"Sometimes, we’re in such a habit of shouldering responsibility we don’t know how to unburden ourselves"

1 Apr 2024

My wife and I haven’t had sex since our second child was born two years ago

"Fewer than half of men and women aged 16 to 44 in the UK have sex at least once a week"

23 Mar 2024

I don’t like the way my in-laws care for our kids – but we can’t cope without them

"Perhaps the bigger issue is that you feel as if your family is being taken over by them"

18 Mar 2024

I want to leave my bullying family business – but I’m trapped by the security

"I wonder how much of this burden – which I have no doubt feels incredibly weighty – might be in your head,"

11 Mar 2024

My ex is moving away with my 10-year-old – I regret our breakup

"I won’t get to see the best person in my life as much and I’m devastated."

4 Mar 2024

I drink every night and wake up on the sofa – I’m worried for my kids

"By facing what you’ve been suppressing, you can show compassion to yourself."

26 Feb 2024

My wife is always telling me off – I feel like I can’t do anything right

"No two individuals are expected to grow at the same pace and in the same direction."

19 Feb 2024

At 42, I have everything – but I’m unhappy

"I want to acknowledge the importance of anger in our lives."

12 Feb 2024

I love my wife but, at 32, am no longer attracted to her

"I’d recommend you reframe the idea that a successful relationship lasts for ever."

5 Feb 2024

I’m 50 and losing my hair and libido – I miss being young

"Our culture is particularly negative about ageing and conversely, glorifies youth"

29 Jan 2024

All I do in my mid-40s is work and parent – I’m lonely

"This is an opportunity for you to heal loneliness by connecting to yourself and others"

22 Jan 2024