Meeting my 'Inner Man' through voice dialogue

Here’s a recent testimonial from one of my clients, JD. He started out attending my men’s groups and then did some one-on-one work with me.
“It’s been a week since we dialogued with my ‘inner man’ and rebalanced my composite, dominating parts and this is the outcome:
1) My now ex-partner texted me with “I am not ok”. Initial response: deep fear, here goes another woman forcing herself on me. I no longer want to get lost and absorbed in them. I texted her with tonnes of strategies, but didn’t talk to her, maintaining my boundaries whilst being there for her. She texted today saying she still misses me, but she is working on becoming strong in herself. I am proud to be authentic with her, without saving her. The co-dependent spell has been broken and she’s also moving forward, on her own two feet.
2) I feel so much more energy, capability, less fatigued. Interpretation – my ‘inner twat teenager’ is no longer in charge. Honestly, Kenny, it really feels this way. Could it be true – that we have pulled this off? I have hoped for this for so long. There are many encouraging signs – in just a week!
3) After seeing you, I went food shopping. That’s normally so stressful that I can hardly deal with it – certainly not after a three hour drive – yet it was a natural and easy thing to do and I look forward to healthy eating and taking better care of myself.
4) I haven’t had any more sex dates since – it just seems pointless. The desire has shifted. In my head it was the teenager just wanting to shag aimlessly. I’m relieved he’s no longer running my show!
5) I am no longer overwhelmed by the details of everyday life and the dramas of my staff. My ‘effective inner organiser’ has been given the space to step up. Thank f*ck for that! I needed some help on the self-care side, especially with my ex gone.
6) After only three hours sleep on Tues night I could cooly, calmly cope at work without turning into an over-emotional wreck. That’s amazing!
7) In the gym, I can do the hard stuff, pushing beyond my mental limits. I feel masculine, not weak and timid as I have felt these last few years. My head has shifted, the image of the faulty weak person has lifted.
8) In my kitchen, I tidied the fridge. I could see the common theme and sorted the food accordingly. Never in my life did I think I could make my life so easy and healthy an experience and take such pleasure in it.
9) In my job, I chunked down so much into a structured list. I previously struggled with that, so great to be able to do as so much of my job is organising, scheduling, planning.
10) My weekend. You’ll never believe it, I spent the weekend organising myself! The paperwork I have not looked at, all the small things I couldn’t get my head around – this weekend I could! I went to work as a leader, in control, assured. I felt like the real thing, not compensating my leadership skills with the vague, imprecise approach to details – instead I was consistent. It felt really good not to feel small and a bit of a blagger…
The whole organising thing, who knows, I could really get my life under control, accelerate and move up! It feels like anything is possible!!”
JD, 43 – Manager (ex-men’s group participant turned private client)
Click to check out my Voice Dialogue Sessions
This year has been huge for me and I love it!
My new new mini-workshops have been a roaring success with dream results for so many people! I must admit that I underestimated the power of these snappy sessions…
Conscious Cafe will host my first full day workshop ‘The Bigger Picture of Your Life Revealed’ at Steiner House (Baker Street / Regents Park, London) on 22nd November book here to get the early bird discount and download my FREE Personal Discovery Questionnaire in preparation here. (If you have any questions about this doc, please let us know)
I have more workshops in the pipeline, including a new weekend residential in the heart of the South Downs. ‘How to run a men’s group’ for men who wish to explore running their own groups, for coaches who wish to up their skill-base and for men who want to work at a deeper level for further freedom and self-awareness.
My blogs and Q&A videos have been a blast to produce and I look forward to more questions from you, so I can work with real issues and serve you the best I can.